HomeBlogsGrants Council Season 6

Grant Council

The Optimism Grants Council was initiated in Governance Season 3. This page outlines the basic details of the Grants Council as constituted for Season 6.


In short, the goals of the Grants Council, as outlined by the Foundation in Season 3, are to:

Council Structure

The Governance Fund grants process will be managed by an elected Grants Council. The Grants Council will be comprised of a Lead and [15] Reviewers sitting across four review teams. The Council will have full decision-making authority as to which projects are named finalists for Governance Fund grants. Each team will have a clear mandate and be tied to a specific grant objective, as outlined below.

The Council consist of 4 Sub-Committees:

The Grants Council structure for Season 5 has two distinctive roles. These positions are held by elected reviewers and have been appointed by the Grants Council lead.


All council members may be removed via the Representative Proposal type in the Operating Manual. All Council members will be required to disclose all anticipated conflicts of interest when applying to serve on the Council and all actual conflicts of interest if engaged in a vote affected by the conflict. Where a conflict is known to be present, a reviewer should recuse themselves or provide a written voting rationale if the reviewer believes that they can vote impartially.

Cohorts and Election Terms

Members of the Grants Council, will be elected in the Reflection Period prior to each Season. Elected members serve for the duration of the Season and must be re-elected to serve in future Seasons.

Should the Grants Council determine that it needs more reviewer capacity for the Optimism Mission Review Team, the Grants Council may by the affirmative vote of ten reviewers (including all relevant review teams) opt to add additional reviewers. In this case, the reviewer with the next most votes (after the elected reviewer with the least votes) (Selected Reviewer) shall be provided the option to join the Optimism Mission Review Team with rewards pro-rated for the time that has elapsed in Season 6 prior to joining the Grants Council. Should the Selected Reviewer decline, the reviewer with the next highest number of votes after the declining Selected Reviewer shall become the Selected Reviewer. There shall be a limit of three additional reviewers added through this method after which the Lead must put forward a proposal for the election of any further reviewer.


The Grants Council will:

The Council Lead will oversee the general administration of the grants program and should:

Reviewers will vote on grant proposals submitted to their Teams and should:


Grants Council members will be subject to the following checks on their authority:


A Proposed Budget and Charter will be made by each prospective Lead and voted on by Token House according to the Governance Calendar.

The Lead may propose a budget that contains variable rewards for participation or non-participation provided that any variable component relates to discrete measures of reviewer or manager performance and those components are verified by the Milestone and Metrics Teams.

Additional Details

While the Council must abide by the above guidelines, specific operational and administrative details are left to the Council Lead to determine with input from Reviewers. These will be outlined in an Internal Operating Procedures (to be linked once available), which may be updated periodically as determined by the Council.

The grants council will not make an explicit or implicit promotion or endorsement of the projects or their underlying products. Rather, the grants council will acknowledge which grant proposers are most suited to receive a grant given the parameters applied by the mandate of Season 6 governance. KYC and grant delivery will be managed by the Foundation for Season 6. All grants are subject to KYC review and other terms.


The canonical version of the approved Charter will be published to GitHub. Any material updates to the Charter will be reflected with a new version number at the top of this document, at which point the updated version will go into effect

Season 6

The Grants Council will run for six Cycles in Season 6 as outlined further in the Council's Calendar.

The Grants Council is considered a persistent Council in the Collective, as outlined in the updated Collective Council Framework. That means the Grants Council will be assumed to be renewed in Season 6, unless a Council Dissolution proposal, outlined in the Operating Manual, is passed.

The Grants Council's decisions on final grants represent only the opinion of the Grants Council as to which projects are grantworthy. The Grants Council does not hold, issue, or distribute grants. The Foundation administers grant implementation in accordance with the Optimism Collective Operating Manual. The Grants Council does not endorse or promote any products or projects.


Find more in the Season 6 Grants Council Charter.

Credits: Image taken from Original Announcement on Optimism Forums and does not belong to Grant3