What is an Ecosystem Project Idea?
An Ecosystem Project Idea is an idea for a project that someone could build within the Optimism ecosystem. As opposed to an Ecosystem Concept or an Ecosystem Idea, an Ecosystem Project is generally more fleshed out and corresponds to a relatively clear product to be built.
The RetroPGF grant process has changed for Round 3, now requiring teams to self-nominate. This shift could potentially leave out projects that are not aware of the process or the opportunity. To bridge this gap, we propose the creation of a public nomination form that anyone can fill out to nominate projects. The results of this form can be made available on a public read-only spreadsheet. This would allow teams to review community nominations and reach out to promising projects that might otherwise be overlooked.
Note: The RetroPGF sign-up itself is being build by the OP Labs EcoPod team and will go live in the coming months. This Project Idea's sole focus is a form for the community to suggest projects that should sign-up
OP Labs or Optimism Foundation Contact: Jonas (gh: @JSeiferth, TG/Discord: @jonassft)