Collective Archive Maintenance

Apr 13, 2023
Foundation Mission
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Foundation Mission (RFP) – Collective Archive Maintenance

  • Foundation Mission Summary: Make the Collective DAO Archives easier to use, update, and understand
  • S4 Intent: Improve Governance Accessibility
  • Proposal Tier: Ember
  • Baseline grant amount: 30k OP
  • % of total available Intent budget: X%
  • Should this Foundation Mission be fulfilled by one or multiple Alliances: One
  • Optimism Foundation point-of-contact: Justine (@justine-hy)
  • Submit by: June 28th at 19:00 GMT
  • Selection by: July 13th at 19:00 GMT

How will this Foundation Mission (RFP) help accomplish the above Intent?:
The Collective Archives were open sourced as a public good to advance the development of DAOs in the ecosystem. However, the Collective Archives are currently hard to navigate and there is no scalable framework for contributors to update, maintain, and/or expand these resources. Making the Archives easier to use, understand, and update these resources will allow more people to learn, and share their own learnings, improving the accessibility of our governance research and advancing our collective governance intelligence.

What is required to execute this Foundation Mission (RFP)?

  • Create an open source framework for anyone to update the Collective Archives
  • Create an improved user interface so the Collective Archives are easier to navigate

How should the Foundation measure progress towards this Foundation Mission (RFP):

  • Number of accepted updates to the Collective Archives during the Season (may be approved pull requests)
  • Number of contributors actively updating the Collective Archives
  • Number of views of the Collective Archives (ideally on a dedicated hosted site for the Archives)

How should badgeholders measure impact upon completion of this Foundation Mission (RFP)?

  • Number times the Collective Archives are referenced externally
  • Any personal benefit from using the Collective Archives

Application instructions

To apply for this RFP, please complete the form in the expandable section below and leave your response as a comment on this issue thread. Submissions will be open until [June 27], at which time the Foundation will review all submissions and select one individual/team to complete the work defined here.

Submission form

Copy the entire application below and leave a comment on this issue with your answers completed. A representative from the Optimism Foundation may reach out using the contact info provided to request more information as necessary.

Foundation Mission (RFP) Application

Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above Tier

  • Alliance Lead: Please specify the best point of contact for your team
  • Contact info:
  • L2 recipient address:
  • Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:

_What's an Alliance?_Alliances are groups of contributors that *temporarily* work together to accomplish a Mission start-to-finish. This can be an established protocol or project or a group of contributors working together for the first time. Name your group, now you’re an Alliance :)

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

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Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

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Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:

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Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

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Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

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Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)

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Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

  • I understand my locked grant may be clawed back for failure to execute on critical milestones, as outlined in the Operating Manual
  • I confirm that I have read and understand the grant policies
  • I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant
  • I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined here

-- end of application --

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