What is an Ecosystem Project Idea?
An Ecosystem Project Idea is an idea for a project that someone could build within the Optimism ecosystem. As opposed to an Ecosystem Concept or an Ecosystem Idea, an Ecosystem Project is generally more fleshed out and corresponds to a relatively clear product to be built.
Originally, Optimism considered introducing an attestation-based challenger module as a pathway towards decentralization. Though focus has shifted towards fault proofs, the attestation-based module remains a fascinating and worthwhile concept. Instead of a multisig, this module would utilize a smart contract that verifies EIP-712 signatures. Any participant could call the smart contract with an array of signatures and a proposed output hash for a given L2 block number. If a threshold of signatures approves that output hash for that block number— and if the existing proposed output hash in the L2OutputOracle contract differs from the signed-off proposal—then the original proposed output hash is discarded.