Via Protocol

Liquidity aggregator

Via is a cross-chain liquidity aggregator that aims at solving much of the complexity of living in a multichain world by providing cheap, fast, and seamless any-to-any token swaps with a polished and intuitive interface with all info about built routes in one modal menu. Via Protocol is composed of two products: Via Router, Via SDK.

Via Router

Via performs any-to-any swaps within 30 seconds after automatically scanning over 70 DEXs across 25 networks and 25 of the most popular cross-chain bridges. Unlike other aggregators, Via can automatically detect the fastest and cheapest swap routes, as well as let users sort swapping solutions by various criteria, including security. Finally, Via integrates Refuel for gas transfers across chains, which can further smoothen cross-chain operations.


Via has an SDK with plenty of ready-to-go and in-development phase integrations. Examples are Safe (ex-Gnosis Safe), Rubic, XY Finance, Rango, Pillar, Frontier, Trust Wallet, etc. Thanks to the Via SDK, these dApps enable their users to swap tokens effortlessly without having to use third-party solutions and interfaces.

Via Protocol is a cross-chain solution that stands out from the crowd thanks to the many measures taken to improve transparency and security. While Via’s security ultimately depends on the underlying bridges it carefully selects, there are some proactive measures that the team is taking to minimize risk for their users:

Active surveillance. Via employs watchdogs who monitor the transactions of all aggregated bridges and automatically disable those victims of hacks and those whose liquidity has dried up.

Track record. In the Via interface, users can see, for each swapping solution and related bridge, the success rate for the last ten transactions, as well as information about previous hacks or lack of liquidity.

Transparency. Via interface shows, for each available swapping solution and bridge, the degree of decentralization (fully centralized, semi-centralized, centralized), the number of audits that the bridge has undergone, and the presence of a centralized relayer in the route.

Smart sorting. All the security metrics that Via collects and displays are grouped together and used as criteria to filter among all available routing solutions, for an advanced sorting system that prioritizes security while guaranteeing a trouble-free user experience.

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