The Optimistic Series

Optimism podcast & Newsletter

The optimistic Series is providing unique content exclusively about the DEFI Optimism Ecosystem that does not exist yet, as far as i know. It will include the following Educational contents:

  1. The Optimistic Newsletter: A bi-weekly newsletter covering the following topics:
  • Governance/Technical updates
  • On-chain analysis
  • Project Update
  • Crypto Market review
  • Farming strategy: (being an Interactive community section where i select the best farming strat that the community sends me).
  1. The Optimistic Podcast: A weekly podcast, held on Twitter space, where i receive one or two projects, in order to go through:
  • Project current status
  • Roadmap 2023
  • Optimism Position within the overall Defi ecosystem
  1. Access to a Large Research database on the contents already produced on Notion by myself covering subjects such as:
  • Optimism project review
  • Optimism project tutorials
  • Defi macro analysis
  • How to use Defi guide
  • Basic knowledge of Defi - Impermanent Loss / Depg in a liquidity pool

Hang Tight! We're adding description for this grantee
  • More Information
  • Grant Type:
  • Is Multichain?
  • Project Online: 