Kredeum NFTs Factory

Easiest way to Create your NFT MarketPlace on WordPress


Kredeum NFTs Factory Dapp is deployed on Optimism, enables Web2 users to publish on their WordPress website NFT marketPlace with Optimism NFT Collections With these smartcontracts deployed :- Kredeum NFTs Factory, to clone templates- Kredeum NFTs Resolver, to get infos from all Optimism NFTs- OpenNFTsV4 : Basic NFT Collection template- OpenMarket : Advanced NFT Collection template including Market functionality


Developer EcosystemKredeum Factory 'onchain' NFTs Resolver offers a gasless access to all NFTs metadata on Optimism Network : onchain alternative to NFT API (or subgraphs) available offline A dedicated NFT library: OpenNFT library , derived from more generic OpenZeppelin library, offers advanced features:- SoulBound- Multichain- AutoMarket- ERC6551 support (soon)End User Experience & AdoptionHelp WordPress community to use Optimism

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