
Most Used 4337 UserOp Explorer for Account Abstraction


EIP 4337 introduced new abstracts entities called UserOps, Bundler, paymater and factory, which are not understood by the underlying ethereum protocol. Thus no infrastructure component recognizes these entities unless specifically designed for it.Jiffyscan is the only tool to let you explore details of a UserOp introduced by ERC-4337, just by giving the UserOp Hash.Users can explore details across 16 different mainnets and testnets.There's a data API available as well to query the details of a given UserOp, currently for free.


1.The tools is most helpful for developers to confirm the status of a UserOp and share it with their teammates or users, as no other tool currently supports search/lookup by a UserOp.2. The Explorer is actively used by the developers of the top teams empowering 4337.3. The explorer has seen a Cumulative Monthly Growth of 27% for the last 5 months in terms of page views, with the september hitting ~18k views. 4. We have had 26 teams request for our APIs and are the most performant and rich historical UserOp lookup service out there

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