GiveStation (youbuidl)

Multichain grant dapp where contributors get rewarded for funding projects.


Since testnet program ended with over 3000 testers across 5 blockchains to launching on mainnet in August, 2023, we have improved the platform by adding OP tokens rewards for contributors who funds projects. This feature wasn't present on testnet but with the help of the grant from RGPF 2, we were able to integrate this feature.This means any contributor will not only get to fund projects but also earn OP tokens daily along with BuidlPoints.


Rpgf 2 strongly motivated our team as it is one of our dapp formerly known as will now be moved to while other products also are there too.YouBuidl makes it easy for both developers, creators, contributors and even investors to participate in the growing world of decentralized finance and web3 applications. So whether you’re an innovator looking for funding or an investor seeking opportunities, YouBuidl is the perfect platform for you.

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