
1st Web3 community in BELUX: 25+ events, 50+ speakers, 2500+ visitors, 3yrs old


Cryptosquare is the first Web3 community in Belgium and Luxembourg, and a significant force in Francophone Europe.Over the past 3 years, we've organized more than 25 FREE events, featuring over 50 renowned speakers and attracting a crowd of 2500+ enthusiasts.Our Brussels and Luxembourg events focus on spotlighting various Web3 projects with goals like high-quality networking and connecting startups with investors.Our speaker lineup includes big names in DeFi, DAOs, and NFTs like : AAVE (Marc Zeller), Angle Protocol (Guillaume Nervo), Snapshot (Scott Piriou), Kraken (Alix Bouxaguet), Hasheur (Owen Simonin), Ambassador Salvador (Hugo Ortiz), ...We are a dedicated team of +10 unpaid volunteers, fully committed to making Cryptosquare the vibrant community it is today.


With 3 years under our belt, we've organized over 25 major events, hosted 50+ renowned speakers, and attracted more than 2500 visitors. What's more, 70% of these visitors are repeat attendees, attesting to the quality and relevance of our events.But it's not just about numbers. Projects have been created and launched and people have found jobs through networking at our events. Cryptosquare has been entirely self-funded and independent for the past 3 years. Our events have always been free for participants, without external grants or funding.

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